Sunday, November 30, 2003

This weekend I learned that the music of the Grateful Dead is the perfect accompaniment to hand spinning. DH found an old Dead concert on public tv he wanted to watch and I was working on spinning some Easter egg dyed kid mohair for the cover mittens of the new Spin-Off. This is the first time I've spun a yarn for a specific project and the yarn is quite pretty. We'll see if I can get gauge with it...

I took the Aran sandal socks to Thanksgiving at a friend's house and made a mistake so I gave up on that. I thought I'd spin the mohair on my purpleheart Bosworth spindle to give myself something mindless to do the rest of the weekend.

Here are some of the gorgeous socks in the new Katherine Misegades (formerly Pence) pattern book, The Tongue River Farm Sock Collection.

And here's a pair of socks from her previous book A Time to Knit Stockings.