Monday, March 29, 2004

Here's the tam. After much wringing of my hands, I have decided I like the colors after all. I originally collected 16 colors of Shetland yarn but only used about half of those. I wanted to do some sort of a water theme and added anchors on the bottom and a pattern that looks like waves around the rim of the top. The charts are from the McGregor fair isle book.

I used the Starmore chart on her designing your own tam article in Threads for the top decreases. That is a terrific resource for designing your own tam but I greatly dislike the specific double decreases used - SL 1, K2TOG, PSSO . The end result is kind of a feathery looking stitch which you can see if you look at the very center of the tam. I'll try to get a picture of this being worn so you can see it in all its glory. I look really stupid wearing it though so I may rope someone else into modeling it.

I can really see how tams can be addictive. They are such a fun way to play with color and patterns and this definitely won't be my last one.

Go HERE to see a photo of many of the tams made for the Asoflives Tamalong. They're like knitted jewels, aren't they?