Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I am blissed out spinning all this angora. One of the reasons I love rabbits is because of their softness so getting to handle all this bunny fur is really wonderful. I found two helpful articles online on spinning angora HERE and HERE. I am putting in more twist than normal and I do think I'll shock the skeins when I'm done. I also plan to try core spinning some of it.

The fur shown from foster rabbits Windy & Cloudy is just a tiny percentage of all the angora I now have. The scarf shown here is two yarns doubled - some Cascade Lana d'Oro wool/alpaca and some multi-colored roving blended with short hair bunny fur. It is shedding quite a bit so I may try to felt the scarf a bit to keep all the bunny fur from working its way loose.