Sunday, November 7, 2004

I hope to finish Liidia's gloves this week. They fit pretty well but they're not for me. They're going (along with some hand-knit socks and mittens) to the Albuquerque Rescue Mission. They have a Clothing Room where they give away items for the homeless and near-homeless and I figure I'm prolific enough to keep them supplied with wool accessories this winter. Plus I can still knit whatever projects I want to knit and not worry about sizing or colors or anything. It is also a good excuse not to do any holiday gift knitting this year! The Colorado HRS shelter's gift shop already has plenty of handknit stuff of mine to sell and all they need now is for me to spin angora for them.

We just started two new Teaching Company classes. After much indecision I finally ordered Pharoahs of Ancient Egypt and Thomas Jefferson: American Visionary. I recommend them both. So far we've learned that men & women wore eye makeup in ancient Egypt for the same reason that football players wear black under their eyes - as protection from the sun's glare. We also learned that no one other than his immediate family members ever heard Jefferson laugh or tell a joke in his life. Interesting, eh?

Peaches apparently got hold of the credit card and ordered this from Amazon. I highly recommend the book to other rabbit people - she turns into a happy tooth-grinding blob of fur or contentedly flops over on her side after her daily massage. If I don't massage her long enough she hops over and keeps nudging my hand to continue. How cute!