Saturday, April 2, 2005

I'm back from my much-needed blog vacation. I did get a little knitting done but didn't manage to work on my angora spinning project.

Here are some Anna Zilboorg mittens from the book Magnificent Mittens. I used Peruvian Highland wool and knit them top-up. I'm at work on another pair from that book now.

I am going to try to blog twice a week from now on. At the end of this week I will offer the pattern for the ROY G BiV socks.

Peaches had an exciting week. She jumped on a cardboard box which couldn't support her chubbiness. Somehow in falling off she managed to rip one of her claws out. Fortunately it didn't seem to bother her at all although she didn't mind getting extra treats as a result of her trauma. Poor baby!

HERE are two free lectures from the Teaching Company - How to Elect a Pope and Papal Elections: Then and Now presented by a Notre Dame professor. I haven't had a chance to listen to them yet but plan to soon.