Monday, May 9, 2005

Here's a quickie hat done in Cascade 220 (on sale now at Webs) from Nicky Epstein's hat book. It has those fun curlicues on top.

Speaking of great sales, Gaiam appears to have all their yoga videos on sale for between $1.99 and $4. I ordered almost 20 - every one I didn't already own. That will effectively double the amount of yoga videos I have and I can't wait until they arrive. I usually do between 1 and 2 yoga videos a day.

My favorite yoga video of all time is Ali McGraw's Yoga Mind and Body. It really has little to do with Ali McGraw - the talented instructor is Erich Schiffman. This video for intermediate yogis was filmed here in NM and is beautiful to look at. I love this music more than any other video and it is perfectly coordinated with the energy of the poses. It includes my 2 favorite poses - the bow pose and the bridge pose.

Rodney Yee's AM yoga is a really nice and simple little 20 minute practice when I can't manage a longer routine or I'm feeling under the weather. It includes lots of good hip openers. He manages to include a breathing segment and a relaxation segment.

Yoga for Relaxation has two routines - a restorative practice with Patricia Walden and a practice using forward bends and a chair with Rodney Yee. If you're not terribly flexible, are a beginner, have any health issues or just really need to relax, this video will help. You'll need a variety of pillows and blankets to do the first routine but the results are just as good as a day at the spa.

Crunch Candlelight Yoga with Sara Ivanhoe is perfect if you can't sleep. This video has lots of twists and forward bends to help you relax. The instructor emphasizes being gentle with yourself and not pushing yourself into poses. After the Ali McGraw video, this is my second most used yoga video.

Sacred Yoga Practice with Rainbeau Mars - this is a 4 volume set. I can't stand the Beginners routine - it doesn't even strike me as yoga. The other three are worth the money though - Pure Tranquility (also good for before sleep), Pure Power and Pure Sweat. Pure Power and Pure Sweat always get my muscles shaking. I love that she holds the poses longer than most yoga videos.

Total Yoga with Tracey Rich and Ganga Lee is perfect for when I have 70 minutes to spend on myself. This video is for intermediate and advanced students and Ganga shows variations of poses which are only for advanced students or human pretzels. I know some people find her strong southern accent distracting but it works for me. On the other hand, those fingernails... :) I've always thought if I could ever go to a yoga retreat I'd choose one at their studio, White Lotus.

A new video which is growing on me is Rod Stryker's PM Peak Performance Video. The music doesn't really work for me but it is a nice well-rounded routine for evening. I ordered the AM one to go with it from the Gaiam sale.