Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tourists in Quebec: Basilique-Cathédrale Notre Dame de Québec

The exterior of the Notre-Dame de Québec Basilica Cathedral is relatively simple, with no elaborate reliefs or ornamentation. It also looks quite small from the front until you notice how far back it extends.

facade of the Notre-Dame de Québec, Quebec City

The interior, however, is another matter altogether.

interior of the Notre-Dame de Québec, Quebec City

Here is a closer view of the altar and its ornate, golden baldaquin (canopy of state).

golden baldaquin of the Notre-Dame de Québec, Quebec City

The magnificent stained glass windows along the nave depict scenes from the life of Mary. Here are the three from the childhood of Jesus: his birth, his presentation at the temple, and his finding in the temple.

stained glass window at the Notre-Dame de Québec depicting the birth of Jesus
stained glass window at the Notre-Dame de Québec depicting the presentation of Jesus at the temple
stained glass window at the Notre-Dame de Québec depicting the finding of Jesus in the temple