Today's picture is from 1911, and shows a group of miners deep in a coal mine. Pictured is the cage which takes them in and out of the mine. Notice that the boy on the right in the cage appears to be pretty young. The picture is from the Pennsylvania Coal Company. The mine is shaft #6, near South Pittston, Pennsylvania.
Lots of discussion yesterday on the blog about number of comments, vs. number of visitors. I do monitor the number of visitors and will share some numbers with you. OPOD typically gets between 2,500 and 6,000 page views a day. There are more visitors during the school year, and less in the summer. Most of the visits are by passers by, who end up here from google image searches . . . people looking for some specific picture of something. About 1000 or so people either subscribe to the blog, or "follow" it. There are a couple hundred who actively read it daily, and contribute comments. So, those are the numbers. I have a number of other web sites, and overall get a couple hundred thousand page views a day. I enjoy making WEB sites, so have sites on different topics . . . everything from the Civil War to how to make Hot Tamales.
PICTURE EMBARGO THREAT LEVEL - Green - No imminent threat of picture embargo