Sunday, October 31, 2004

I'm going to imitate a literary blog I read and jot down a list of oddities for my Halloween entry.

Oddest Item in the Refrigerator: I recently cleaned it out but the oddest thing currently is probably soy lecithin granules. I used it many moons ago for making my own Wonderslim/prune puree/baking fat substitute.

Oddest Habit: I like to rescue insects and put them outside or out of harm's way. This includes black widows and centipedes but I use a broom for them.

Oddest Food: I really like fluffernutters (peanut and marshmallow fluff sandwiches) but rarely eat them out of embarrassment. But that's nothing - I have a British friend who adores plain cold tofu topped with grape jelly.

Oddest Movie I've Seen: Liquid Sky - I guarantee anyone else unfortunate enough to have seen this movie about aliens seeking heroin would agree with me.

Oddest Place I've Been: I was just there yesterday. Madrid, New Mexico -described as a place "where old carnies go to die." Quite funky and worth a trip, especially on a day where the locals are having a "parade."

Oddest Thing in My House: I display lots of photos of dead pets which drives my friends nuts.

Oddest Web Site I've Been To: I could probably answer this differently on a daily basis but just today I was checking out a web site on how to paint light bulbs.

Oddest Web Site I check regularly:

Oddest Accomplishment: In college some of my poems were put to music and sung by the glee club.

Oddest Book I've Read: Fiction: That's a tough one but I guess it would be Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke.

Nonfiction: I used to have a fruit cookbook that was illustrated with drawings of naked people for no particular reason.

Oddest Halloween Costume: In grad. school I was Pat Benatar one year.

Oddest Party Trick: I can touch my thumb to my wrist (same hand) as I'm double jointed.