Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Anarchist Crowd

Anarchy week continues with this picture from 1914. It shows an anarchist crowd in Union Square in 1914. Alexander Berkman is addressing the crowd. 

I have found the comments this week very interesting. I don't post comments in the comments section, as that is your place to speak. I did detect a hint of anarchy sympathy in some of the comments. The point was made that not all anarchist want violence, and you can not lump them all together. I would claim that it is not about what anarchist want, it is about what anarchism leads to . . . it leads to violence whether the individual anarchist wants that or not. 

I will admit that as I get older I am leaning more and more in the libertarian direction, wishing for a much smaller federal government. While these are my sympathies, I realize that the "purist" libertarian ideals would not work. Since we have evolved into a society that has concentrated so much power in large corporations, a large government is in effect needed to offer some restraint. I think practically the only way to really move to a smaller government is to move to a simpler society where goods and services are manufactured locally, and sold by small locally owned businesses. Likely not going to happen.