Tuesday, November 25, 2003

The Cormo wool I bought at Taos Wool Festival from Elsa Sheep & Wool (pictured with the t-shirt I bought) is a complete revelation. It is incredibly soft and feels almost as soft as the cashmere I made some Estonian mittens with earlier this year. You can feel the lanolin in the wool and it is so beautifully bright. I feel almost like I'm in love with this stuff and I simply have to buy a whole sweater's worth next year. I'm greatly enjoying doing the Aran Sandal socks from Socks, Socks, Socks with it.

Perhaps all this love stuff is because we saw the movie Love Actually this weekend. Nice piece of Christmas fluff although Colin Firth works for me year-round.

I apologize again for the poor quality of photos for this blog. Santa Claus is getting me a new scanner for Christmas so I can do a lot more up to date photos and show little details better for the blog. So just hold on for a little longer...