Thursday, December 9, 2004

I bought myself some more Bernat Aero needles. I only know of two sources, both in Canada, - Beehive Wool and Yarn Forward. I now have 2 sets of dpns in size 0-8 (US) and next I'll start collecting more circulars as I'm worried I won't be able to find them at all soon. The dpns come in packs of 4 but they're only $2.50 US.

If you are planning to knit some stars, do check yesterday's comments as Bea had a good idea for a different double decrease. Susan knit a 5 point and 6 point star which you can see on her blog. I think they'd be nifty with some beads added.

I have the flu which is bad timing since DH's big birthday party is this weekend. I'm off to make some garlic and cayenne soup which should be able to cure anything.