Friday, April 8, 2005

I finished the second pair of Zilboorg mittens which I'll show you tomorrow.


ROY G BiV stands for Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet. These simple socks are a good choice for new color knitters because the stranded section is only on the foot. That way you don't have to worry if the stranded part will stretch over your heel. I used Peruvian Highland Wool for the socks in the photo but these socks are a good way to use leftovers of various colors of any worsted weight wool yarn in your stash.


Size 4 US dpns

Worsted weight wool yarn: 2 skeins MC - Black
Small amounts of each of six colors: CC1 - Red, CC2 - Orange, CC3 - Yellow, CC4 - Green, CC5 - Blue, and CC6 - Violet.

Tapestry Needle for Weaving in Yarn Ends

GAUGE: 7 stitches to 1" over Chart A. To save time, take time to check gauge.

SIZE: Adult women's size 7-9

With MC, cast on 48 stitches and arrange 16 sts on each of three needles. Join, being careful not to twist. Work K2, P2 rib for 12 rows.


K 4 rows in MC. In CC1: K 1 row, P 2 rows, and K 1 row.

K 4 rows in MC. In CC2: K 1 row, P 2 rows, and K 1 row.

K 4 rows in MC. In CC3: K 1 row, P 2 rows, and K 1 row.

K 4 rows in MC. In CC4: K 1 row, P 2 rows, and K 1 row.

K 4 rows in MC. In CC5: K 1 row, P 2 rows, and K 1 row.

K 4 rows in MC. In CC6: K 1 row, P 2 rows, and K 1 row.

End by knitting 4 rows in MC.

HEEL FLAP: With CC1, knit 12 stitches and place remaining stitches on Needle Two. Turn, slip one, purl 23 stitches and place remaining stitches on Needle Two. (Divide sts on Needle Two on 2 dpns.) Work back and forth on 24 sts of Needle One only.

With CC1, work heel flap as follows:

ROW 1: (RS) *Slip one, knit one* repeat across row.
ROW 2: (WS) Slip one, purl across.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 six times. After you do 12 rows in CC1 , change to CC6. Begin CC6 rows with the WS row. Work another 12 rows in heel stitch using Rows 1 and 2 above. End with RS row.


With MC and WS of work, P14, P2TOG, P1, turn.

Slip 1, knit 5, K2TOG, knit one, turn.

Slip 1, P6, P2TOG, purl one, turn.

Slip 1, K7, K2TOG, P1, turn.

Continue to decrease in this manner, working 1 more st between decreases on each row until you have 16 stitches on the needle. End with a RS row. Do not turn.

GUSSET: With empty dpn and MC, pick up and K 12 stitches down the right side of heel and slip to 1st dpn; with 2nd dpn, knit across 24 sts of next 2 dpns, with 3rd dpn, pick up and K 12 sts down the left side of the heel then K 7 sts from the first needle. Needle One has 19 sts, Needle Two has 24 sts, and Needle Three has 19 sts. Beginning of the round is now at the center of the heel.

ROW 1: Needle One: knit to within last three stitches of end of needle, K2TOG, K1 .

Knit across Needle Two.

Needle Three: K1, PSSO (i.e., slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over), knit to end of needle.

ROW 2: K even across row.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 decreasing every other row until you have 48 stitches remaining. K 5 rows in MC.

Work 24 rows of Chart A below.


Try on the sock in progress. The toe decreases should start when the sock hits the top of the fourth toe. If you need extra length at this point, you can knit more rows in MC. (For my size 9 feet, I added 3 more rows of MC before the toe shaping.)


Switch to CC4 and K 1 row.

ROW 1: Needle One: Work to within last three stitches, knit two together, knit one. Needle Two: knit one, PSSO, knit to within last three stitches, knit two together, knit one. Needle Three: knit one, PSSO, pass slip stitch over.

ROW 2: Knit even.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 until you have 24 stitches remaining. Divide stitches on two needles and cut yarn, leaving an 18" tail. Use kitchener to graft toe sts together. Weave in ends of various colors on inside of sock. If necessary, block sock by immersing in warm water then laying flat to dry on a towel.

Make another sock.

Copyright Nanette Blanchard, 2005. All rights reserved.


K - knit
P - purl
St - stitch
Sl - slip
DPN - double-pointed needle
RS - right side
WS - wrong side
K2TOG - knit two stitches together
SSK - slip 1, slip 1, knit two together
PSSO - slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over
REP - repeat
Kitchener Stitch - Thread a tapestry needle with yarn tail from the mitten top. Working from right to left, with right sides facing you, for front knitting needle, pull yarn through 1st st as if to purl, leave st on needle. For back knitting needle, pull yarn through 1st st as if to knit, leave st on needle.

Now continue these two steps until all sts are worked. Front needle: pull yarn through 1st st as if to knit,slip off needle; pull yarn through next st as if to purl, leave on needle. Back needle: pull yarn through 1st st as if to purl, slip off needle, pull yarn through next st as if to knit, leave on needle.