Monday, April 24, 2006

I've been meaning to show you my three favorite pairs of gloves modeled instead of squished in the scanner.

Landra's Gloves from Folk Knitting in Estonia in Stahl baby merino with her fancy-schmantzy cast on.

One of the Holy Grails of knitting - the Sanquhar gloves done with size 00 dpns in Shetland laceweight. The pattern is from a Japanese web site which you'll find if you google "Sanquhar." I love wearing these outside at night because they kind of glow in the dark.

Probably my favorite gloves - the photo doesn't do them justice. These are the Vanalinn gloves from A Gathering of Lace done in some old stash Nylamb. The pattern is easy and I plan to also make these in black with a longer cuff.