Monday, July 10, 2006

I did manage some boring socks last week. As you know, I hate self-patterning sock yarn but this Parade was on sale at Knitpicks and it is sport weight (I like thick socks). Actually after knitting with it I'd say it is closer to fingering weight so it wasn't really worth the experiment.

The big news around here is that Peaches has been put on a diet. I worry because she gets uncomfortable with the heat and she needs to lose a pound or so. It is hard though because she dearly loves her treats but she's completely off fruit except for a grand total of 4 craisins every evening.

She's a total couch potato who barely moves as well and I'm devising some ideas to start up a bunny aerobics program. Needless to say, someone has some serious attitude about all this. If bunny looks could kill, DH and I would both be long dead.

Go see Lisa's version of the Caledonia sock pattern I posted!