Monday, October 16, 2006

Here it is - DH the Utah backpacking fanatic has named it the Checkerboard Mesa Hat. I haven't actually attached the curlicues because I want to get some shots of the top decreases. In a fit of productivity never before seen around here the pattern is already typed up. I just want to knit a child's version to include with the pattern - I'm doing it in purples, pinks, and blues. I am also working on a technique post with some knitting tips about doing two-color ribbing. I should have everything done and the pattern for sale by this weekend.

I've been spending a lot of time food shopping. I got the idea to try to do a Thanksgiving vegetarian feast with only local foods from the 100 Mile Diet web site. They say that most of the food you eat travels an average of 1500 miles. We can get most fruits, veggies, fresh eggs, and weekly organic bread with locally grown wheat from our wonderful year-round CSA but the other stuff is proving more difficult. Apparently NM is 6th in the country in milk production and 7th in cheese but Whole Foods with all their "local foods" signs had neither in a local version. I'm doing tamales with a red chile sauce and a pumpkin flan for dessert.

Yoppie asked in the comments about a few of the socks in the Photobucket gallery of most of my knitting for the last 5 years. The Turkish socks are from Anna Zilboorg's book Fancy Feet. The Bazaar socks are from a free Interweave knits pattern by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts. I didn't actually use her pattern for mine - just her color charts.