Friday, December 15, 2006

Today I need to do some blog housekeeping.

First of all, Theresa did a great technique article on colorwork in the current Knitty which recommended the Stranded Color Knitting booklet. Also, she linked to my blog entry on Fair Isle or Not - I just wanted to mention that I did a second entry on the difference between FI and other types of color knitting HERE for more info on the subject.

In the world of free color knitting patterns, Ari has posted a wonderful free pattern for a snowflake tam (scroll down - the direct link doesn't seem to be working right now). I am also very fond of this free .PDF pattern for some lovely Swedish squirrel mittens.

I don't knit many sweaters but I definitely plan to make this gorgeous Canadian ski sweater for myself as soon as Dale of Norway releases the knitting pattern. I love, love, love how they managed to incorporate the Canadian maple leaf in the snowflake motif.

Peaches is finally losing weight! I have no idea why her bunny diet took so long to make a difference but DH says she no longer looks like a beach ball with ears. Here she is testing out her early Christmas present - a faux fur bed. Jack the cat also got one but of course Peaches thinks they both belong to her.

I've saved the best for last. Stranded Color Knitting and my other knitting booklets and patterns made $1256 for rabbit rescue in 2006. The money went to the Colorado House Rabbit Society which is statewide and operates a shelter in Broomfield and also to Best Friend's Animal Sanctuary's Great Bunny Rescue of 2006 which rescued thousands of pet rabbits from a Nevada woman's backyard.

I know next year will be even better - the booklets have made almost that much in the last quarter of 2006 (the check for the last quarter won't arrive until mid-February) and I have high hopes for the glove knitting booklet. Only 50% of the glove knitting booklet will go to rabbit rescue - I want to use the other 50% to buy some more software to help in writing patterns and to possibly hire a professional to fix my disaster of a web site, aka Four Corners Bunnies.

That's it for the housekeeping. Next week is THUMB WEEK on this blog. Try to contain your excitement!