Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Cigar Gloves

I plan to knit some gloves using alternative methods in my research for the glove booklet. So far I've knit one glove using two circular needles. I used the Cigar Glove pattern from Knitty (I knitted all the fingers instead of leaving three open) and used Knitpicks' Wool of the Andes to make a quick glove for DH. He wants the second one to match but I ran out of blue yarn and now he'll have to wait until I finish the glove booklet (probably around the end of February).

You can easily convert any glove knitting pattern that calls for double-pointed needles to two circular needles. You simply put half the stitches called for in the cuff, hand, or fingers on one circular needle and half on the second. Always remember to use two ends of the same circular needle to knit using this method. HERE's a good technique post that demonstrates this method. Heck you can even use one long circular needle and the magic loop method to knit glove fingers - find out how HERE. When you get to the top shaping for the fingertips it is easier to just keep all the stitches on the needle edges rather than putting the resting stitches on the circular not in use on the circular needle's cable.

Honestly I'm not sure if the dpn or 2 circ method is quicker or less fiddly for glove fingers. It really is a matter of your personal preference.

I highly recommend the Cigar Glove pattern to new glove knitters - it is simple and fast because you use worsted weight yarn. I knit this glove in a day while simultaneously surfing the net. I'm not a fan of thicker gloves for myself but DH is fond of them. As you can see from the above photo the pattern as written has quite a jump, about 1/2", between the base of the little finger and the base of the ring finger.