Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I finally found a use for those bags you get when you order Victoria's Secret flannel PJs. I like to keep the colors for each knitting project separate and each of these bags holds the content of one glove project. One bag contains 10 skeins of yarn and one contains 20. (BTW, never pay full price for VS flannel PJs. The discontinued patterns go on sale for under $20 every few months.)

This is what I saw every time I looked down from the desk while working hard on the glove booklet.

Like any self-respecting rabbit, she begged for food shamelessly while I was preoccupied with the booklet. Plus DH & I are noticing she double teams us more frequently. I'll feed her and then she'll immediately go to DH and beg for something to eat. I'm definitely going to have to work harder to enforce the bunny diet.