Thursday, June 7, 2007

I'm really running behind this week. I wanted to take a photo of the six squares (of a total of 18) I've finished for the Great American Aran Afghan. I've decided this will be my main summer project - maybe I can finish by fall. I originally intended to finish it by last fall so I'll be a year late.

I do have some fun links:

Cupcakes decorated with a knitting theme - these are so cool! She even includes a marzipan tutorial.

What the World Eats - Time mag photo essay of 16 international families and what they eat a week along with how much they spend. Who knew so many people drank soda?

HERE are instructions for making your own herbal dream pillows along with some fun herb blends. I just bought a bag of dream pillow herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs so I plan to make a few out of satin. I'm going to use them for yoga or just plain relaxing.

I'm a huge fan of the knitting patterns by Woodsmoke Woolworks. Look HERE and HERE for some of the most wonderful and whimsical patterns. I've made her bunnies and carrot hat a zillion times and I won the blue jays and cherries pattern but some of the others are tempting me - the Dragonflies, Water Lilies and Frogs, the Chickadees hat.