Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bubbles still hates cats with every fiber of her being. If Jack does dare to try to come in her room (aka the crafts room), she'll actually spend the next hour or so hopping around and growling. Here she is making sure there are no cats under the blanket.

Here is poor Jack checking out some of my Valentine's Day loot.

I seem to have some bad knitting mojo lately. First of all, I've completely lost interest in the intarsia socks. I shouldn't be surprised as this happens Every. Single. Time I knit intarsia. I will have some photos for you on how to work in the ends by this weekend though.

Then I was working mindlessly on a pair of gloves. The part I was knitting was a solid color and I was only working on them at night. One afternoon I picked them up and couldn't believe how weird they looked. I soon realized I was using three different sizes of dpns at once.

Finally I started a simple cotton tank (Knitty's Soleil) for summer. After about five rows I realized I had twisted the yarns and was actually knitting a Moebius strip.