Tuesday, May 20, 2008

If you are reading this blog entry on any knitting blog other than Knitting in Color, http://knittingincolor.blogspot.com/ , then you can be sure my blog entry and photos were used WITHOUT my permission.

I've found some entire blog entries (and my photos!) were used in two other blogs. This is apparently called blog scraping and people do it to make money through adsense. I could shorten my feed but you'd have to go to my blog every time I post so instead I'm just going to post this disclaimer occasionally. If you want to see if your blog entries are being copied, go to http://www.copyscape.com/ .

I'm still undecided about my Great American Aran Afghan squares. I have ten squares completed and an additional 7 skeins of the now defunct tomato Wool of the Andes. Knitpicks kindly sent me a list of colors they think would complement the tomato yarn and I could probably even find more of this color but honestly I'm not sure I want to finish it. I have had this project hanging over my head for years and I'm never comfortable with unfinished projects.

DH thinks I should just make a small afghan which is a possibility. I also could make a bunch of pillows but I don't really need more pillows. Hmmmm.

The skies are finally clearing here. It is now quite hot and I'm hoping DH comes home early enough to install the window air conditioners.