Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wow! Panda Cotton really takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Can you believe I've ripped out this fingerless mitt 4 times so far? The yarn still looks great after all that abuse. The first time I ripped I decided to make the mitts longer. The second time was because I wanted to change one of the patterns. The third time I ripped to remove the doodads between the stars because it was messing up the gusset colorwork. The fourth time I ripped to change the gusset. Now that I've seen the photo I realize what I need to do to change the gusset again. Yes, that involves more ripping.

I really do like the bamboo in this yarn though. Can anyone recommend any other bamboo yarns I should try?

Bubbles the house rabbit and Jack the cat still don't like each other after five months. Occasionally I will see them coexisting peacefully but it mainly involves either Bubbles annoying Jack by sitting on his tail or Jack will hide behind a door and scare Bubbles when she enters the room. She then goes under a bed and thumps for a while.

At least they agree on what team is going to win the World Series this year.

Poor Jack looks demented in every single photo I take of him.