Monday, November 24, 2008

Lately I've been thinking a lot about structuring my days so I can have more time to knit. So many other less-important things get in the way of doing what I really want to do. About a week ago I stopped helping people with knitting technique questions on Ravelry and I have easily an extra hour to knit each day, maybe more. Now I have to figure out a way to charm DH into doing more of the cooking.

I finally finished adding my old mitten projects to Ravelry.

These are thrummed mittens knit in Lamb's Pride - I made these for DH specifically for shoveling snow and they are at least 7 or 8 years old.

Strangely enough the exterior of the mittens have felted over the years but the interior thrums have not felted as much. I used some non-superwash merino roving for the thrums.

These fingerless mitts were knit from my very first handspun yarn. It was the same merino roving and I used my fimo clay drop spindle. They're pilling a lot but I still keep them in my knitting basket for cold nights.