Thursday, February 26, 2009

Telling A Story With A Photograph

Brown Pelican

On a Saturday afternoon in February, I had the pleasure to spend quality time with the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary in Tampa, Florida to learn and document through photographs just how severe the problem is of hooked and injured Brown Pelicans. Standing on the south pier of the Sunshine Skyway Pier which offers one of the most dramatic panoramic views of Tampa Bay, it also is one of the most popular spots on the west coast of Florida to fish as the pier offers world-class opportunities and attracts both the recreational and professional fishermen alike. It is also here that Brown Pelicans are hooked and injured. Through the dedication and hearts of numerous volunteers they are rescued, rehabilitated and released back into the wild.

While I photograph Brown Pelicans quite a bit here in Tampa, Florida, it wasn't until I spent that Saturday did I learn more in a few hours then all of my prior years photographing them combined. This was more about being a photojournalist then a wildlife photographer, and timing and speed is everything. Being able to think on the fly about lens choice, aperture, composition, depth of field, focus point, ISO, exposure, shutter speed and perspective must come natural and at a split second, for if I miss the shot, then the story won't be told. I have no time to think about what has happened, but only about what is going to happen and I have to be ready for it.

This is where all my years of experience comes together, and it is that experience that allows me to tell the story using my photographs. It is through those photos that I must draw emotion, educate and give an insight into an event that few have ever seen. I can't fumble with my equipment or be unsure of myself, as I must be in position, ready and not be shy about doing it. All the while in the back of my mind I am looking for that one shot to bring it all together to put the finishing touches on the story. I can't use words, for as once a wise man said "A picture is worth a thousand words...".

It was then that I turned around and found it...

Juvenile Brown Pelican

I want to thank the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary for allowing me to spend a day with them on the Sunshine Skyway Pier to observe, document and learn more about these adorable birds.

Click Here Read About My Experience And What I Learned

I highly encourage anyone who not only loves to fish, but also has an interest in enjoying these birds get involved by volunteering in their local area or just by being more vigilant in keeping an eye out for these beautiful birds. It is up to all of us to see that our water and shore birds are here in Florida for generations to come, for without them, we will loose something special that we will never be able to replace.

Want to learn more about photographing wildlife? Then join me for the most comprehensive course taught on the internet about wildlife photography today! Click here to learn more about Wildlife Photography 101.

Robert La Follette