Sunday, April 25, 2010

Berliner Helicopter

This is a picture of an early attempt at a helicopter. It was called the Berliner Helicopter. I am not sure exactly how this works. It appears to no be a gyro-copter, as I can not see any forward or rearward pointing propellers. The propellers are mounted on beams coming out of the plane, and I see little to no front wing. It appears that the vertical propellers are powered. It does not look like they can change position. So, an interesting aircraft, and I ma not sure exactly how it flies.

Domestic Update:

Things continue to be interesting out in Chickie Town. The chickies are doing fine, and are producing 9-10 eggs a day. I have had a little bit of an issue that a few of the eggs have had thin shells. This is from a calcium deficiency. I put out crushed oyster shells for them, but maybe they are not eating enough of them. So, I continue to monitor the situation, but am not sure what is going on.


The peacocks have been acting peculiar lately. Handsome spends about 10 hours a day with his feathers fanned out, dancing around. So far, Lovie appears to show no interest in him. If she is around, and he starts that, she walks over and gives him a great big peck. Also, the peacocks are running around in circles real fast, sometimes running into things. Also, Handsome has started making all these elaborate noises. They are real loud and hard to describe. It sort of sounds like a cat meow, but only over a bull horn. He does this all day long, and at night at least once every fifteen minutes like clockwork. His tail-feathers are not that impressive yet, and I think they are not enough to get Lovie's attention.


Now, I went out to gather eggs this morning, and found a HUGE egg in the chickie coop. At first I thought that a chickie had laid a huge egg, but upon inspection by Mrs. PJM, she said there was no way that one of those little chickies had laid the egg. The obvious conclusion is that Lovie  went into the chickie coop and laid the egg. Now, I am not sure what to do with it. I have seen no indications that would make me think that the egg would have any chance of making a baby peacock . . . however, on the off chance that I missed something, I have decided to perhaps leave it and see if Lovie tries to make a nest there.