Friday, November 19, 2010

Gentlemen at Afternoon Tea

Today's picture was taken in 1944 in Jerusalem. It shows some gentlemen joining the ladies for afternoon tea. I generally do not join the ladies for afternoon tea, as I have found that it is difficult for gentlemen to get a word in edgewise at such affairs. Also, I have seen those ladies tea rooms . . . you know, the ones where they have hats and fancy things for the ladies to dress up in for tea? Well, I have always had a policy that I don't wear communal hats. I mean, if I am going to wear a hat, it is going to be my hat, and not one that is shared among countless thousands of unknown people. I have a similar personal policy that I don't wear communal shoes. That pretty much rules out bowling, ice skating and roller skating for me. Call me crazy, but the policy has worked out well for me so far.