Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I have been terribly lazy. All I do is sit around and read articles about spring training. Once baseball starts again I should knit more. The gloves are languishing because the finger decreases aren't symmetrical from finger to finger. For some reason this annoys me although it isn't terribly obvious. This is the last time I follow a vintage pattern exactly.

I have a ton of books out from the library on making your own nontoxic, herbal cleaning products and I need to get busy on that project. House rabbits have changed the way I clean house because there are some products that can harm them. Making my own makes a lot of sense and should be fun. I really am a closet soapmaker but I have to abstain because I'm much too klutzy to work with lye.

My most exciting news is that we're joining a CSA (community-supported agriculture). In a CSA you get a weekly share of local organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers. It will change the way I cook because I'll have to be more creative to find ways to use veggies I don't normally buy.

I may start a new vintage project before finishing the gloves. Aren't these cute? The pattern is from McCall's Needlework & Crafts, Dec. 88 issue and I may start with the mittens.