Wednesday, February 9, 2005

While looking to enhance my pattern stash at Vintage Knits, I found a pattern booklet called "Giving Yourself Away for Christmas". I really like that concept. So for Lent this year everything I do with my hands will be given away. I'll work on spinning rabbit fur for the rabbit shelter and I'll knit only from vintage patterns to keep my interest up. Everything that gets knit the next 40 days will go to charity. I dearly hope I'm inspired to be more productive because so far in 2005 I've only finished 3 items! Yikes.

Here's the second pair of socks for DH. I nearly threw away this handspun laceweight mohair because I didn't like how it biased. Fortunately I saved it because mixing it with some plain old Country Garden DK in these socks made a nice fabric.