Thursday, November 1, 2007

Here is my boulevard of broken dreams photo. It includes my two attempts at a Christmas carol mitten, both of which I hated. The colors in the one in the center were driving me nuts plus I hated the cuff and there was no good way to add the thumb while including text. The one on the left was going to be too busy when I finally finished. I also think I've learned I don't really like red and green together. The item on the right is the woodlands fantasy tam by Mary Rowe from Hats: A Knitter's Dozen. I am still going to forge ahead on that one but I have to omit that lightest green yarn first. It really doesn't look like it will fit, does it? I tried it on though after taking it off the needles and it fits.

To console myself I've been spending too much money on cookbooks. My favorite of the bunch is the brand spanking new Veganomicon. I received it exactly one week ago today and so far have made the Banana Wheat-Germ Muffins, Skillet Cornbread, Brooklyn Deli Macaroni Salad, Guacamole, Baja-Style Tempeh Tacos, Pumpkin Baked Ziti, Mac Daddy, Black Bean Burgers, Snobby Joes, and the Black Bean Vegetable Soup. I'm a cooking fool!