Thursday, December 18, 2008

Here's the final installment of gingerbread photos. These were all the work of the pastry chef at the Tamaya Hilton Resort at Santa Ana Pueblo.

There was a ski hill with graham cracker lift chairs and a train on the bottom. I just love all the skiiers splatted all over the hill!

I am still not sure what was used for the roof and the "hay" in the gingerbread stables. I think it might have been flour tortillas strips laboriously peeled apart.

I think this is my favorite building. I love the use of Kraft caramels for the farolitos/luminarias. (In the rest of the country luminarias are the paper bags filled with sand and candles. Here in NM luminarias are actually the pinon bonfires like the ones made all over Santa Fe on Christmas eve and farolitos are the paper bags.)

This building was the Tamaya Plaza next to a little trading post. I adore the two people kissing under the mistletoe at the door. Inside there were people sitting on granola bar couches in front of a crouton fireplace.

I like the addition of some darker pueblo buildings. I guess they must have added extra molasses or spices to the gingerbread dough.