Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm working on devising a special yarn storage system for colorwork with DH - I'll post our ideas next week.

Here's a fun house in Madrid, NM which is on the Turquoise Trail between Santa Fe and Albuquerque. I loved the big chiles hanging in front of the windows.

Today is the one year anniversary of Bubbles coming to live with us. She plans to celebrate by eating a lot (coincidentally those are also her Christmas and New Year's celebration plans.)

15 year old Jack is happy we are getting snow all this week so we'll be home more to keep the wood stove burning and spend more time playing Scrabble. He enjoys "helping" by walking back and forth between us and the Scrabble board. He can continue this assistance for the entire game.

Here's the view from my front door. It has been the same way for about a week and I'm hoping for even more snow.