Thursday, November 19, 2009

Funky boxes

The low buildings of Bonifacio High Street, with upscale shops on the first floor and offices on the second floor, remind me of modern, artsy gift boxes. I really like them.

the buildings of Bonifacio High Street

A message for City Daily Photo bloggers:
Firstly, the simpler announcement—our December 1 theme is Waiting. Secondly, there's a poll of sorts and a discussion going on in the blog authors' forum about what our January 1, 2010 theme will be. Traditionally, the theme for the first day of the year has been the Best of the Past Year but there are now suggestions to move the date for the Best theme and have a different theme for January 1. Please vote and/or join the discussion and help spread the word. Demosthenes and others would like to hear our views about it.