Sunday, January 24, 2010

Good Ol' Days

Oh, the good ol' days when our politicians wore Stetsons and carried six shooters around their office. Today's picture features Harry S. "The Buck Stops Here" Truman, and John Nance "Cactus Jack" Garner. Truman is wearing a fine looking stetson, and is sporting a couple of Colt Peacemakers. I think the western Stetson was the high point of Men's hat fashion.

I have said on several occasions that I am disappointed that the hat has fallen out of favor in men's fashion. I feel that men stopped being gentlemen about the same time they stopped wearing hats. Today, pretty much the only hat you ever see men wear is a baseball cap. I do not understand this. It has all the disadvantages of a nice hat, in that it messes up the hair, but it has neither functional nor fashion value. The baseball cap shades the face, but does not shade the ears or the back of the neck. Worse yet, is when the cap is worn backwards to be cool, or worn front ways, but cocked over to the side.

So, to try and renew interest in wearing proper hats, this week we will explore men's hat styles.