Saturday, May 1, 2010

Starting Up Again

I've recently come back to several projects and hobbies. I decided to work on some embroidery projects for summer. (I usually struggle to get a lot of knitting done in the warm weather.) I just started this crewel Pomegranate Pillow and am about 1/4 done. I'm glad I picked a less expensive project to begin with because I was doing the Long and Short Stitch (the main stitch used) wrong initially. sigh Once I get back up to speed I'm going to choose one of these gorgeous projects. (Check out the Kaffe Fassett needlepoint projects at that site as well.)

On the knitting front, I'm back working on this Virtual Yarns Celtic Keyknot pillow. I bought the kit probably close to 10 years ago (it was less expensive then) and I started it a long time ago. The reason I stopped was that it was turning out way too wide while simultaneously requiring an uncomfortably tight knitting to get gauge. When I came back to it I'd lost one of the colors so I am subbing the bright turquoise Shetland yarn which gives it a completely different feel. I also went up a needle size and chopped 100 sts off the original st count so it is already much different than the original design. It should fit a 14" pillow form with my modifications. I plan to add some big chunky tassels on each corner.

Also, I've decided to finish the step-by-step photo glove knitting booklet. I'm only going to show how to knit gloves on dpns though; that will allow me to keep the size (and price in print) down. I have several other knitting design projects to do before that but it will be done by fall.

Lastly, I've re-started my veg. cooking blog, Cooking in Color. I noticed I simply cannot stop talking about food on Facebook. Originally I was looking at the blog as more of a professional obligation and I wanted to post twice a week with 4 new recipes a month but that was too much. Now I'm just going to do it for myself and post less frequently.