Monday, February 23, 2004

Here is the beginning of the Salsa socks from Socks, Socks, Socks just before I ripped out the heel gussets. I didn't like the way the color pattern worked there and will do something else. I think you can continue any color pattern while decreasing for a heel gusset as long as you always do the decrease stitch in the same color and you do the math to make the pattern match up properly once you're done decreasing.

I'm doing these socks in Regia which is quite a thin yarn and I added an 8 stitch pattern repeat and they're still running small. I'm also not fond of the color combo but these socks aren't for me so it doesn't matter. Once I figure out who gets these socks I'm going to duplicate stitch their initials on the heel.

Lisa asked what size my hand is. She's also going to knit some Vanalinn gloves and wants them to fit more snugly. My hands are large - long and thin - and if I'm buying gloves I'll pick a women's size large. Chris asked if the gloves are warm. Not particularly Chris but I still think I'll wear them a lot because I love how they look.

Melinda wrote in her comment, " I knitted a pair of Latvian mittens using Satakieli and sock with Koigu. IMHO, Satakieli seems to have a tighter worsted type twist like Shetland yarn while Koigu has a fluffy woolen type twist." Thanks for that good info Melinda. That must be why Schoolhouse Press recommends Satakieli for Bavarian Twisted stitches on their web site. Check out Melinda's beautiful black & white Latvian mittens HERE.

And while you're checking out inspirational knitting, Valerie finished a beautiful pair of twined mittens in her February 17 blog entry.