Sunday, February 8, 2004

Here's the only Poetry Mitten I'm going to do. I loved knitting it but I think the finished product was underwhelming with weird decreases at the thumb and top and the lettering is too big for the scale of the mitten. The beautiful poem is by the designer, Veronica Patterson, and reads:

When snow swirls

We begin to dream

Of dancing firelight

And hasten gaily home

Clapping hands

And words to

Warm them.

If you do make these increase your gauge greatly to get an adult sized mitten. Nature Spun fingering weight is a pretty thin fingering weight yarn and makes a rather thin mitten. I was asked my opinion of Nature Spun in the comments and yes, I do use it all the time in fingering, sport and worsted weights. I like the color range and the price but it does pill. Unfortunately it is becoming harder and harder to find, especially in the fingering weight.

I am reading the most fascinating book, The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World by Marti Olsen Laney. While I am not sure about some of the author's conclusions, this book has really changed how I see myself and others in my life. Contrary to popular belief, being an introvert does not mean you are shy (apparently there are even shy extroverts) or self-involved or lacking in social skills. Essentially it just means how you get your energy - introverts (25% of the population) recharge with solitary and quiet pursuits and extroverts recharge from the outside world.

I think knitting, at least the way I do it, is an introvert pursuit. Give me some tiny needles and a couple of colors of yarn and a chart and minimal or no outside stimulation and in a few hours I'm full of energy.