Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I finished The Introvert Advantage and was a bit disappointed in the end. The author gives the impression that introverts are disabled or limited - that we can't get as much work done or that we need to take naps every five seconds. It is an odd ending because in the front of the book she lists famous introverts who have accomplished plenty.

Still, I think the book is very valuable reading. It has helped me understand myself and my introvert DH. Now I know why I can go and be bubbly and outgoing at a party but crash afterwards. The book also has a good section on parenting introvert children. HERE's a review of the book which talks about parenting and teaching introverts. HERE's a question and answer section with the author. HERE's another review of the book that has some of the same concerns I had about the book.

Donna sent me THIS link to a good blog entry, "An Extrovert Speaks (Quelle Surprise!)" - it is a response to the Rauch Atlantic article on introverts.

Now I'm off to organize the stash. Patterns seem to be multiplying everywhere, I can't even find the PW sock book I wanted to give away, and all the yarn seems to be escaping the yarn closet. Jack the cat and Peaches the rabbit will supervise me.