Sunday, February 28, 2010

High Technology

Good Sunday Morning to you all. We are kicking off High Tech Week here at OPOD with this picture of a woman listening to an old radio. The picture is from the 1910's. It is probably hard for any of us to imagine just how cool this was back then. If you want a challenge, you can try to identify the woman in the picture, and why she was famous.

Domestic Update:

I am pleased to report that things are going very well out in Chickie Town. I have been working on tracking egg production, and am pleased to be able to issue the following report. Below, we have a chart that shows daily egg production for the last week. The bars show eggs produced by day, and the red line shows cumulative production (read off the right axis). You can see that things are moving along very well.

In addition to tracking overall production, I am monitoring the production of each chickie. Below, you can see how each of the chickies is doing. As you can see, Miss Lilly, who was featured on the blog last week is a veritable egg laying machine. We have highlighted in red areas where improvement is needed. I have found that chickens are a lot like people . . . you have a few of them carrying the load for the entire group.

Below we are tracking the overall cost per egg of the operation. You can see that the cost per egg is dropping dramatically as the number of overall eggs produced increases.

I have decided that it is very important to encourage the chickens that are not performing to improve their output, so I have created posters which I have posted around Chickie Town. You can see in the picture below one of the posters posted inside the coup. This way, the chickies can check their production numbers as they leave the coup. Below, you can see Miss Lucy reviewing the chart. Miss Lucy has produced some eggs, but is one of the chickies in need of improvement, so I was happy to see her taking note of her production numbers.

Besides posting production numbers and motivational posters around Chickie Town, I also decided to try and encourage increased performance by featuring a Chick of the Week on the blog. We start today.

Chick of the Week: Miss Nelly

Name: Miss Nelly

Birth date: September 28, 2009
Likes: Hanging out with friends, Worms, Scratching the Dirt, and chasing bugs.
Turnoffs: Peacocks, mean chickens, dogs, and rainy days.
Her Ideal Rooster: The ideal rooster would be a good crower, and one who really knows how to strut his stuff around the barnyard. Big red comb a plus.
Best Friend: Ivy June.

So, hopefully with these new procedures put in place, we will be able to further increase egg production.