Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cutting Tobacco

This picture was taken in 1917, and is shows a 10 year old cutting tobacco. The farm was near Gildersleeve, Connecticut. Several days ago Ken made a comment that he had picked tobacco, and how the leaves were harvested from the bottom. This picture sort of reflects his description. Sometimes I wonder if it was really such a bad idea to have little kids do hard work like this. Today, we expect too little from our kids, and I wonder if they would really be able to take care of themselves if they had to.

Domestic Update:

Things are going very well in Chickie Town. I got 9 eggs yesterday (from 10 chickens). We are getting at least 8 eggs a day. Perhaps Mrs. PJM's "soft" management style is achieving results . . . happy chickens lay lots of great eggs.