Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Profitable Family Portrait Sessions

One of the keys in shooting contemporary family portrait sessions is creating a variety of looks in a limited amount of time. Little kids love to have fun, but they get tired and cranky very easily. When I look for a family portrait location, I want a location where I can create a variety of looks in a short amount of time.

Modern clients are looking for a variety of options to show off their family photos. The days of an 8x10 in a frame are coming to an end. Most of our clients are interested in fine art gallery wraps, cool metal collages and custom fine art albums. In order to provide these products we need to give the client a lot of options during the ordering session.

Here is a video of a real family portrait session taken last week. I hope this video gives you some ideas on how to shoot a family session, with the final family order in mind. This particular family ordered a 4 piece fine art gallery collage.

PPSOP Instructor