Sunday, December 20, 2009

Captain Walsh

Welcome to a new week here at OPOD, and we have a great lineup of pictures planned for you. This week the topic is Facial Hair. More specifically, facial hair on men. I find it fascinating how styles of facial hair change over the years, and how men express themselves by choosing a particular style of facial hair . . . sometimes even from a past era. So to kick things off, we present the picture above of Captain James L. Walsh. The picture was taken in 1913, as Walsh was to participate in the Woodrow Wilson Inauguration Parade. Personally, I think his overall look with the hat and uniform really works for him, but in particular, I want you to zoom in and look at his mustache. You will notice that he has it ever so slightly turned up on the ends. Not something men really do so much any more.

Now of course we know that World War I is right around the corner, and Captain Walsh will doubtlessly be pulled into the war. So, we are going to launch an Internet first here at OPOD; This is going to be the world's first retroactive dating game. World War I is right around the corner, and we need to find a girlfriend for Captain Walsh before he has to go to war. I have selected three bacherlorette candidates, and you have to vote for which one you would like chosen to be his girlfriend.

Bachelorette #1: Ms. Sigrid Holmquist

Recently arrived in the US, Ms. Holmquist is an actress, and is known as the "Swedish Mary Pickford". Young, fun loving, and a sparkling personality, she is sure to keep Captain Walsh entertained. Her good looks, style, and outgoing nature make her the perfect girlfriend for our young Captain.

Bachelorette #2: Ms. Enez Thomas

Ms. Thomas is of one of the finest and oldest families in New York City. She was brought up in the best schools, and has impeccable taste and manners. Her father has made sure that she has always had the best of everything. She will surely be able to keep Captain Walsh entertained with opera, symphonies and plays. She is the perfect candidate to kiss the Captain goodbye as he departs for World War I.

Bachelorette #3: Ms. Larneal

Ms. Larneal was brought up under difficult circumstances, but always found a way to try and make things better for other people. She grew up working in soup kitchens and bread lines, trying to take care of those less fortunate. She has dedicated her life to those in need. With the looming outbreak of World War I, she has joined the Navy Medical corps, in case her help is needed in caring for wounded soldiers. Her good heart and dedicated service make her the perfect girlfriend for Captain Walsh.