Monday, December 21, 2009

Man with Beard

Facial Hair week continues here at OPOD with this picture. The gentleman has a full beard and mustache. Notice he wears his mustache a little fuller than what is normal today, and it looks like he is parting it to grow left and right a little, instead of straight down. Also notice that he is shaving a small portion so that the mustache does not join up with the beard. So, overall not completely different than what you might see today, just a few subtle differences.

OK, I have a question for you all. Yesterday, when I saw the picture of Captain Walsh, I immediately liked him. I knew nothing about him, but immediately assumed that he was a nice guy, and a person I would want to be friends with. Today, I really do not like this guy. In fact, for some reason I despise this guy. Am I the only one? I know you are not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but for some reason I am sure that Captain Walsh was a nice guy. I would conclude this even if he was not in a military uniform. He just looks like a nice guy. The guy above, for some reason, I am sure he is a jerk.

First, do other people have the same reaction or a different reaction than I do to these two people. Secondly, why would we feel this way? Could we possibly be wrong?